Passport Photo Online

Get your perfect biometric photo (compliance guaranteed)

Passport photos examples

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How does our photo tool work?

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Take or upload a photo

Take a photo or upload one from your mobile gallery. Follow our guidelines to meet all the requirements.
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Get your photo verified

Let AI fine-tune your photo. Order your picture, and have it verified by an expert to ensure 100% compliance.
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Download your digital photo instantly, or have your printouts delivered to your doorstep for free!

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Take a picture

Quality pictures at hand.

How to prepare yourself?

Distance from the camera while taking a passport photo

Distance from the camera

Take the photo from a distance of about 20 inches from your face. Ideally, the photo should be taken by another person.

face in front of the camera during passport photo

Face in front of the camera

Place your face in front of the lens and keep a neutral expression on your face. Hold the camera at face height.

Passport photo lighting

Even lighting

Just stand facing a light source such as an exposed window. Don't worry about the background.

Quality passport pictures at your hand icon

Quality pictures at your hand

Compliance check and image retouching service for your photos!

200% guarantee or money back

We return the money if your government authorities reject the photo

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Passport Photo Online -
a passport photo app you can trust!

All your needs!

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Around the globe

Canadian Passport Photo

To apply for the issuance or renewal of a Canadian passport, you’ll need biometric photos that exactly follow the official guidelines. These rules are put in place to allow automatic authentication of the passport holder’s identity.

If you need to get a Canadian passport photo, keep reading our guide. You will learn everything you need to know about Canadian passport photo requirements and more.

Canadian passport photo requirements

Nowadays, at least 2 (two) passport size photos are requested for most of the important documents around the world. Biometric passport photos have particular criteria that must be met in order for the pictures to be approved by government agencies.

Passport photo size for Canada

The dimensions of the Canadian passport photo are 50 mm wide x 70 mm high (2 inches wide x 2.7 inches long). The height of the face should measure between 31 mm (1.22 inches) and 36 mm (1.4 inches) from the chin to the top of the head.

Passport photo rules

The passport-style photo can be in colour or in black and white with a plain white or light background. The image must be clear, in sharp focus, and with even lighting. There must not be any shadow, glares or flash reflections.

The photo for a passport in Canada needs to show the head and shoulders straight on, squared to the camera, and centred in the frame.

The applicant should maintain a neutral facial expression, with your eyes well open and mouth closed.

Your eyes must be clearly visible; glasses are acceptable for a passport quality photo in certain circumstances, provided that you have a medical condition that requires you to wear prescription glasses at all times.

Similarly, a head covering is acceptable only for religious or medical purposes. You still need to make sure that your face is fully visible, though. Also, if you have a nasal cannula you can wear it in your photo, however, be prepared to provide medical proof, such as a note signed by your doctor. 

What to wear in Canadian passport photos?

Since you’re required to submit photos taken against a white, solid background, you should avoid white or very light-coloured clothes. It’s also not advisable to wear dark clothes, clothes with patterns or more than three colours. 

Go for a simple, solid-coloured t-shirt or v-neck, and avoid uniforms or anything that resembles a uniform.

Take a passport photo at home

The first thing you need to do when taking a passport photo is find a room with plenty of natural light.

Stand in front of a window and set up the camera about 2 (two) metres away from you. You can put it on a tripod or ask a friend to take the passport photo for you.

Stand still, take the picture, and edit your passport photo online to fit the passport size photo dimensions for Canada.

Canadian passport photo with Passport Photo Online

Passport Photo Online is an AI-based app that automatically crops all photos for a passport to the correct size required by passport authorities.

The AI system carefully scans each photo, and if there are any errors in terms of lighting, position of the head, visibility of facial features, or shadows, you will receive an email asking you to retake your picture. We can also fix some mistakes, like removing shadows on your face and some small accessories. Bottom line is, we won’t let you leave with an incorrect photo, with our passport photo verification you'll have a 100% guarantee of compliance.

Take as many photo shots as you need, with Passport Photo Online, there is no limit to the number of times you can try. You will only pay for the passport picture you decide to use for your application. 

If you opted for submitting printed photos, you can order them from us as well. Otherwise you can download your biometric photo conveniently from our photo tool.

With our app you can create a passport size photo for up to 40% less than the usual price.


We provide photos for IDs from all over the world. You’ll find the one you are looking for!

Passport photo app on phone

Biometric photos.
Always. Anywhere. Online.

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passport size photo app

The best option is to take this photo at home.
Use our online photo tool, which adjusts your photo to the requirements.

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