
40 Articles
work-from-hotel: new study
The Growing Trend of “Work From Hotel” [2023 Study]
benefits of Facebook for business: new study
Cracking the Facebook Code: User Habits and Brand Opportunities
The Dark Side of Being a Digital Nomad
The Dark Side of Being a Digital Nomad [2023 Study]
hidden airline fees: new study
Hidden Airline Fees: The True Cost of Flying [2023 Study]
what we steal from hotels: new study
Here’s What We Usually Steal from Hotels [2023 Study]
what stresses Americans the most when traveling? new study
What Stresses Americans The Most When Traveling? [2023 Study]
dating profile pictures: study
How Dating Profile Photos Affect Your Decision to Swipe Left or Right [2022 Study]
how US passport fees have changed in the past two decades
How US Passport Fees Have Increased Since 2000 [NEW Study]
hotel pet peeves: study
America’s Biggest Hotel Pet Peeves [2022 Study]
domestic tourism in the US is on the rise: new study
Is Domestic Tourism in the US on the Rise? [2022 Study]
crolling social media for dopamine: study
Scrolling Social Media for Dopamine [2022 Study]
sex on vacation: new study
Vacation Sex: Are We Friskier with Our Partners When Traveling? [2022 Study]