Print your passport photo at ASDA for £0.55
Prepare a perfect passport photo with guaranteed acceptance!

As seen in
Print UK Passport Photo at Asda at the cost of 55p

Width: 900 px
Height: 1200 px
Is it suitable for online submission?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 55 %
Bottom of the Photo to the Eye Line: 15 %
Background Colour
Very Light Grey
1 dpi
Is it printable?
How does our photo tool work?

Take or upload photo
Take a photo or upload one from your mobile gallery. Follow our guidelines to meet all the requirements.

Get your photo verified
Let AI fine-tune your photo. Order your picture, and have it verified by an expert to ensure 100% compliance.

Enjoy your photo
Download your digital photo instantly, or have your printouts delivered to your doorstep for free!

Roxana is a writer with 3+ years of experience. As a Master in psycholinguistics, she blends her passion for language and communication with insights from diverse cultures, making her content resonate with a broad audience.

Our leading expert with 5+ years of hands-on experience in biometric photography, Mateusz is a proud member of the prestigious British Institute of Professional Photography and the Association of Photographers (AOP). He has assisted countless global customers in taking photos for their official documents, earning him the rank of expert in photo requirements.
Asda passport photo
It is possible to print your new UK Passport Photos at an Asda Photo Booth for only 55p!
Can it really be that cheap? Yes, getting an Asda passport photo template, before you visit the store, means you can print your photos out for just the price of a postcard. The printout will measure 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) and will include several copies of your Asda passport photo. Asda passport photo booth prices can vary, but it will cost around £2.50 for a standard passport photo to be taken and printed.
Why would you want to pay that much when you can easily get Asda photo prints for just 55p?
This is a great life hack - getting cheap prints at the Asda passport photo booth. You can use this trick for many different types of official documents, including your UK passport photos. It consists of printing a postcard template, with several passport photos on it, rather than paying for your passport photos to be taken and printed out directly at the Asda photo booth.
The template is 4 x 6 inches and fits 4 (four) UK passport style photos with the dimensions of 35 x 45mm. This passport photo printing hack will save you time and money, as you will be able to reuse the Asda photo prints for other suitable documents, and our passport photo app allows you to take a new passport photo as many times as you need to, until you are satisfied with the final result!
Passport photo booth Asda - size and requirements
As mentioned above, there’s no need to pay £2.50 for Asda photo printing, as you can get several 35 x 45mm passport photos at a cheaper price! All you need to do is use our passport photo tool to take a digital UK passport photo and use a 10 x 15 cm template to print it for just 55p using any Asda photo booth. It’s really very easy! Get your photo taken and generate the perfect template using our digital passport photo booth. After that, just look for your nearest Asda or any other printing store.
Finally, when the passport photo template has been printed, just cut out the photos. You can use your remaining UK passport photos to apply for any other documents that require 35 x 45mm photos.
How to print a digital passport photo at Asda?
You don’t need to pay the full price for the UK passport photos at Asda. All you need to do is prepare your passport photo template in advance with the aid of our digital photo booth app, download the file template, and print it out at Asda as a 6 x 4 inch photo (standard postcard size photo). There are a wide range of different photo generators that can help you prepare a template for your UK passport photo, but Passport Photo Online is the easiest and most convenient one! Just upload a photo, taken by a friend, and within a few seconds you will see the preview of your UK passport photo.
If you don’t like the way you look in your photo, you have the option to retake the passport picture as many times as you wish. Afterwards, simply download your UK passport photo template and either print it out at your nearest branch of Asda or use their website. Asda’s website enables their clients to easily order 4 x 6 inch prints. You will only have to pay 55p for each printout, which will include 4 (four) UK passport photos - you simply need to cut them out. If you need more photos than 4 (four), simply order more 4 x 6 inch prints at Asda! Not only will you save time and money, but it is definitely a safer option during uncertain times, such as the Coronavirus pandemic.
Asda Passport Photo - opening hours
Our digital passport photo booth app allows you to take UK passport photos and prepare the 4 (four) photo postcard template anytime you want - we are available 24/7. The only thing that is left to do is to check Asda’s opening hours. Their normal opening hours are 8:00-20:00. If you are busy during these hours and need to get your template printed and delivered, you always have the option of using our Premium Photo Service (more details below). In addition, you could check the opening hours of other local printing places, for example, Max photo, Tesco, or Morrisons.
How many passport photos will I receive when I print my template?
The standard UK passport photo size template that our passport photo editor generates, has the dimensions of 10 x 15 cm and includes 4 (four) UK passport-sized photos (25 x 45mm). Passport Photo Online’s digital passport photo booth will allow you to retake your photos as many times as you need to, until you are happy with the final product. The UK passport photo template is completely FREE, you will only be required to pay if you need the background to be removed. A 10 x 15 cm passport photo printout only costs 55p with an Asda photo booth, while a standard UK passport photo will cost around £2.50 at Asda.
Can I apply for my new UK passport online?
Yes, you can! Doing so will save you a lot of time and money, as you will not need to wait in a queue, pay for a standard passport photo, or even leave home. In addition, the online UK passport photo application is £9.50 cheaper than a paper application. Visit the UK Government site to find out more about this affordable alternative.
If it sounds like a good idea to apply for your UK passport photo online, you will need a digital UK passport photo. You can take and edit your photo using our digital passport photo booth. It needs to meet the following standard: the file must be between 50 KB and 10 MB and the photo size has to be 650 x 750 px.
The digital passport photo you send needs to meet all the Passport Office’s passport photo requirements. If you want to save time and energy and be sure you will get the right UK passport photo - use Passport Photo Online’s passport photo app or our website to prepare it in a few seconds! Simply upload your photo and wait for the result!
Asda passport photo rules
The passport photo must meet all the official standards. To guarantee that your photo will be accepted, use our digital passport photo booth - it will run the entire process for you! Nevertheless, there are some criteria that you should follow: the correct position and posture, a neutral facial expression, and no forbidden items in the photo. All UK passport photos carry the same guidelines, you can read them below.
Passport photo requirements
Here is a short list of some of the official requirements for taking a UK passport photo, as laid out by the passport office. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and we recommend that you visit the UK Government website for a more comprehensive outline of the regulations.
- Your mouth must be closed, and you need to have a neutral expression.
- You should directly face the camera.
- Your entire face should be visible.
- Wear normal clothing. Uniforms and extravagant clothing must be removed, as they could cause rejection . Religious clothing is allowed.
- Your UK passport photo should be current (not taken more than 1 (one) month ago).
- Make sure to remove forbidden items and anything that hides your facial characteristics (headphones, jewellery, sunglasses). Ensure that there is no “red-eye” effect in the image.
Asda passport photo booth near me
What if there’s no Asda photo shop nearby? There are plenty of other options you can use if there is no Asda near, or if the opening hours are not convenient. You can print your template at any other store that offers printing services. What’s more, you can order the printout to be delivered directly to your home address, from Passport Photo On-line, using our Premium Passport Photo Service. This option will be able to save you a lot of your time and money!
Passport photo machine - Asda
If you're looking to take a passport photo in the United Kingdom, you don't have to go far to find a photo booth. Asda is one of the most well-known operators, but you can also find similar photo booths in branches of Tesco and other popular stores. For example, Tesco passport photo services are available in many locations and offer a quick and easy way to get your passport photo taken and printed. However, be aware that if you're not happy with the first photo, you may need to retake it and pay again.
Nowadays, there is an easier and cheaper solution for taking your UK passport-sized photos! You can do it easily from your home and print new passport pictures out at any photo printing store or even have it delivered straight to your address! Just use one of our digital photo booth mobile apps and get someone to take a photo of you. Your photo will be resized to the correct dimensions, the background will be removed and replaced with a plain one and the AI will check to make sure your photo meets all of the official passport guidelines.
After this, you will receive your new digital UK passport photo (remember - you can apply for your UK passport online) and a printable UK passport photo template. As explained above, the passport photo template can be printed out as a 4 x 6 inch photo and will contain 4 passport size photos.
Using your smartphone is definitely a time-saving way to get your passport photos. It is also 100% safe, since you can take them at home, at work, at the beach, wherever you want, at any time.
Passport Photo Online service
Upload your photo and, in a matter of seconds, it will be transformed into a professional passport photo template that includes 4 (four) UK passport photos and meets all of the official passport photo requirements. When you receive the template, you have a choice of 3 of our options:
Downloading your digital template for FREE, use our Premium Service for only £9.95, which includes removing and replacing the background, human expert revision, and a guarantee that the photo will be accepted at any passport office. Or, you can pay only £12.95 and get all of the above, along with the printed passport photo template delivered to your physical address.
How to prepare yourself?
Distance from the camera
Take the photo from a distance of about 20 inches from your face. Ideally, the photo should be taken by another person.
Face in front of the camera
Place your face in front of the lens and keep a neutral expression on your face. Hold the camera at face height.
Even lighting
Just stand facing a light source such as an exposed window. Don't worry about the background.
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Yes, Asda have a dedicated photo printing service that includes the production of passport photos. You can upload photos to their online photo site, and have them delivered to your door, or you can visit an in-store photo booth to get your pictures taken.
Yes but, if you print your passport photos at Asda, it costs £2.50. Let us tell you a life hack to get your passport photos for a lot less: simply upload a photo in our digital passport photo booth app or on our website. We will rework it into a postcard template with 4 (four) UK passport photos, at which point you can print it at your closest Asda photo booth for the price of 1 (one) simple postcard, or order a printed version using our Premium Photo Service.
UK passport photos cost £2.50 at Asda. A much cheaper alternative is to use Passport Photo Online’s digital passport photo booth or our website!
Opening hours depend on the Asda store. Usually, an Asda store opens at 8 a.m. and at 11 a.m. on Sundays.
Closing hours depend on the Asda store. The stores usually close at 8 p.m, or 5 p.m. on Sundays.
Asda is a subsidiary of the American retail corporation Wal-Mart.
ASDA is an acronym for Associated Dairies, which is the name of the Yorkshire company that associated with the Asquith owned supermarkets, before expanding throughout England as ASDA.
The UK passport photo size is 35 x 45 mm. You can very easily create UK passport photos of the correct size by using our passport photo app or our website.
If you fill the application correctly and your photo meets all the official requirements, it should take around 6 (six) weeks for you to get your UK passport.
It depends a lot on your age and how you wish to apply for the UK passport. For example, an adult will be required to pay £85 if they apply by paper form and £75.50 for an online application. Please note that the price will also depend on the type of passport you want to get, whether it will have 34 or 50 pages.
Renewing the UK passport involves the same procedure as the one to get a first passport. Fill in your application, either online or on paper, enclose (but not attach) your UK passport photo and pay the passport fee. For more information, we recommend you visit the UK government website.
Yes, in most branches of Asda there are in-store photo booths or photo centres that can help you take your passport photo.
No, Asda do not sell digital copies of the passport photos they offer.
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