Ukrainian Passport Photo: Quick & Easy [Just 3s at Home!]

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Ukranian Passport Photo - Size and Requirements
34.5 mm
Width: 35 mm
Height: 45 mm
Head height: 34.5 mm
Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 3.5 mm
600 dpi
How to prepare yourself?
Distance from the camera
Take the photo from a distance of about 20 inches from your face. Ideally, the photo should be taken by another person.
Face in front of the camera
Place your face in front of the lens and keep a neutral expression on your face. Hold the camera at face height.
Even lighting
Just stand facing a light source such as an exposed window. Don't worry about the background.
Ukrainian Passport Photo Guidelines
You cannot just submit any photo for a Ukrainian Passport. The photo you use for your Ukrainian Passport must be a professional photo that presents your face in such a way that it can be easily recognized as a biometric photo suitable for identification. By biometric photo we mean a photo that comprises only your head and upper shoulders from the front, without any alterations such as objects, shadows or reflections that would make it difficult to identify your face.
This type of photos is used for the Ukrainian passport as well, the requirements of which will be listed below:
General Requirements for the Ukrainian Passport Photo
An important part of any official document is the photograph, whether in Ukraine or in the rest of the world. We will help you generate the photo for your Ukrainian Passport by offering you some tips and guidelines. Below we will give you information on the general requirements of a Ukrainian Passport photo, and a list of requirements to consider when taking a biometric photo. These are:
- The face in the photograph should be in the center of the photograph, strictly in frontal view, without turning the head.
- The subject's gaze should be directed directly into the lens.
- Neutral facial expressions, smiles and grimaces are not allowed.
- Eyes are open and well visible.
- Shooting is made without headwear and dark glasses.
- Neutral makeup that does not distort or strongly change facial features.
- The image must be sharp and clear.
- Uniform lighting, no glare, highlights, harsh shadows, and contrasts.
- The background should be monotonous, without texture, the background color is lighter than the face.
Technical Requirements for the Ukrainian Passport Photo
New sample (photo for a passport application form):
Size: 35x45 mm.
Chroma: color
Head size: 33-34 mm. in height
Overhead margin: 3 mm, 1 mm tolerance allowed.
Background: solid white
Photo paper: matte
Old sample:
Size: 35x45 mm.
Head size: 25-35mm. in height
Color: black and white or color (for OVIR or MFA)
Overhead margin: 5 mm, 1 mm tolerance allowed.
Feather: oval
Background: solid white or light gray
Photo paper: matte
Wearing makeup, jewelry, or headgear on a Ukrainian Passport Photo
Your face should be open for photography. This means that the hair cannot close the eyes. You should also avoid light clothing, hats, scarves, or other accessories that darken the face, hair, or neck. Hats are not allowed! Restrained make-up is recommended for women, skin color should be natural.
Glasses or sunglasses on a Ukrainian Passport Photo, are they allowed?
If you wear glasses or contact lenses - you must remove them when taking pictures. Children must also appear without accessories or toys, with their eyes open and without anyone to hold them.
How to take a Photo for the Ukrainian Passport at home?
Taking the photo for the passport from home can be much easier and save you time, and you can do it with our application for iOS and Android or from our website. Our photo editor for the passport guarantees the acceptance of the photo, and if by chance the photo is not accepted, you will be returned double what you have paid.
Here are some tips and recommendations to take your passport photo from the comfort of your home.
Complements and accessories
Make sure you do not wear any accessories, such as those mentioned above and remember that if you wear glasses you must remove them for the photo and do not have any modification that will not be present on the day of your passport appointment, or that on the contrary, that you are going to acquire before your appointment, this includes dyeing your hair in another color, having a visible false or real tattoo, growing or shaving your beard significantly, having an aesthetic treatment that directly modifies your appearance ...
We also recommend not to wear jewelry or any type of accessory that will interfere with your face being perfectly visible. Regarding clothing, the main recommendation is not to wear white clothing so that it is not confused with the background.
Lighting and shadows
Good lighting is essential when taking a photo for the passport, that is why it is preferable to take the photo during the day, since if it is done at night you will need to use the flash and it can lead to having the effect of "red eyes” in the photo or skin color does not look the same. You will also need to choose a room with a white wall or cover any wall with curtains or a white sheet. Stand close to the wall or curtain to avoid background shadows.
If a photo has already been taken and one of these cases occurs, you must repeat it and make sure that the appearance will coincide with the one on the day the passport is to be taken.
To make the head and part of the shoulders look good, we recommend putting the cell phone on a tripod or resting it on any surface, but not taking a selfie, as it will be too close and the photo will not meet the basic requirements.
The head should be as centered as possible and the head should be straight, without being in profile or tilted to one side. It is also essential to have a neutral expression on your face (remember that you should not smile) and that your eyes are looking towards the camera, for this try to look at the objective of the mobile or computer camera and not at the screen.
Passport photo online
To facilitate this whole process, we recommend that you download the AiD Photos application or go to the Passport photo online website so that after taking a few photos and choosing the one you like the most, you can upload it to the online passport photo editor and leave.
Let our artificial intelligence do its job, making sure that the photo meets the requirements for the Ukrainian passport photo and that therefore it will not be rejected. Likewise, if by any chance your photo is rejected, we will refund you double the price you have paid.
And the best thing is that you will have your photo for the Ukrainian passport in a matter of seconds without having to search for the closest photo booth and with the assurance that the photo will be valid!
But… What exactly does this photo editor do?
- Passport photo online replaces the background of the photograph with a completely white and smooth one (leaving it as if the photograph had been taken in a professional studio).
- Adapt the photo to the regulatory measures for the Ukrainian passport photo.
- Check that all the requirements that we have been mentioning are met.
- Saves you time and money by not having to travel or having to pay a photographer.
You can download the Passport Photo Generator from AppStore or Passport Photo Editor from Google Play Store. It works under Android and iOS.
Tool for Ukrainian Passport Photo
Our online passport photo maker is an easy-to-use tool with the help of which you will get a passport photo that meets all the requirements of the Ukrainian authorities. All you have to do is take a selfie and our passport photo editor will convert the photo to passport size, erase the background and crop it to passport photo size.
We have created a passport photo generator that meets your needs, regardless of whether you need the photo in digital or printed form. The passport photo creator will prepare you a printable passport photo template, that is, a file that is ready to be printed in 4x6 inch (10x15 cm) format; this way you will get two 35x45mm photos in one postcard size photo.
You can print it at any copier store for very little money. If you prefer to have your printed passport photos delivered directly to your home, our passport photo converter offers a delivery option. Download the online photography tool and check it out for yourself!!
Create a passport photo with our online cropping, converter and resizing tool and save your time and money!
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In your application for a Ukrainian passport, you should submit two passport photos of 35 x 45 mm.
You have to submit two passport pictures of 3.5 x 4.5 cm, the application for issuance of the passport, your birth certificate and a payment receipt of the state tax or a copy of a document on state tax exemption.
In the following cases:
1. You are changing your first name or your given name,
2. a change of patronymic,
3. if the passport is unsuitable for use or
4. if there is an ascertainment of differences in the entries.
No, in case you use glasses or contact lenses you will need to remove them for the picture.
Yes, the basic requirements are: your face should be visible, so there won't be hair or any other object covering it, the background and your face cannot have shadows and the background should be white and in the photo there should be visible your whole head and the top part of your shoulders.
Is very easy! You will just need to follow the requirements that we have told you, take a couple of pictures and upload them into our app Photo AiD or our web Passport Photo Online, to make sure that you are following all the requirements.
The photo shouldn't be older than a month and in any case, it should represent how you look on the day you will have your appointment to get your passport. This means that if you dye your hair or get a tattoo in a visible zone or anything like that after having taken the picture but before your appointment, then you will need to take another picture.
You will need to be looking straight at the camera, your head should be in the middle of the photo and your eyes should be open and your mouth close.
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