Edit Greek Passport Photo Online

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Greece Passport Photo - Size & Requirements

Width: 40 mm
Height: 60 mm
Is it suitable for online submission?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 34 mm
Bottom of the Photo to the Eye Line: 32 mm
Background Color
Very Light Gray
300 dpi
Is it printable?
How does our photo tool work?

Take or upload photo
Take a photo or upload one from your mobile gallery. Follow our guidelines to meet all the requirements.

Get your photo verified
Let AI fine-tune your photo. Order your picture, and have it verified by an expert to ensure 100% compliance.

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Vule is a seasoned editor with a rich background in writing and editing, specializing in content related to passport photography. His skill lies in transforming complex information into clear, engaging narratives, making intricate topics accessible and relatable to a broad audience. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Vule ensures that every piece of content is not only factually accurate but also captivating and informative.
Greece passport photo guidelines
Taking the right photograph for your Greek passport might be time-consuming and stressful, especially since it’s just a small part of the whole process of applying for a Greece passport.
With all the documents (proof of citizenship, birth certificate, fees, etc.) a passport photo might not seem like a fun thing to do, but believe us - it is fun! What you need to do is meet the requirements for a Greece passport and start your very important travel document photo shoot!
Size requirements for Greece passport photo
The size of a Greek passport photo should be 40 mm x 60 mm without the frame, where the face’s length in the picture (from the chin up to the top of your head) should be between 31-35 mm. On the other hand, the face width (from ear to ear) should be 20 mm up to 25 mm and the distance from the lower part of the photo up to the eyes (the length which crosses between the eyes) should be 30 mm up to 39 mm.
Other dimensions concerning the Greece passport photo:
- You should upload two identical pictures
- Photographs must be recent (ones that are older than 6 months will be rejected)
- The photos must be printed on high quality white photographic paper
- The photos must be highly analyzed; they shouldn’t have any flares or dots (pixel - raster) or be produced on inkjet or laser printers.
Greece passport photo specifications
Each country has its requirements regarding passport photos. Make sure that you check the official Greek government website for actual dimensions.
Regarding passport photos, you should know that if you take photos for your child’s Greek passport, you should pay even more close attention. This also applies to people with health problems related to excessive movements or other health issues - you should make an effort to take the photo as best as possible.
With our passport photo tool, you can take a perfect photo with a perfect background as it works like a photo booth that automatically edits your photographs to mee official specifications.
The background for the Greek passport photo should be white or cream white or using 5% of grey so that the facial characteristics are clear and stand out from the colour of the background. Shadows or sheens from the light reflecting on the face cannot appear in the background.
The face of the photographed person has to be fully visible. Except for that person, any other people or objects (such as dolls, toys, etc.) are not allowed to appear in the photo.
Head position & eyes
Your face and eyes must be positioned straight towards the camera so that both ears and cheeks are equally visible. The head of the person photographed should be neither at an angle nor turned (portrait style), but en-face. The head shouldn’t be titled and it must face the camera. The person in the photo must look directly into the camera. The eyes must be open and clearly visible and they cannot be covered by hair or glasses frames. The camera should be positioned with the lens at the eye level of the person being photographed, not from above or below.
Facial expression
Regarding the facial expression, it should be neutral (without a smile) with the mouth closed and with both eyes open (not wide open). Smiling, even with a closed mouth, is not recommended. The person must be entirely alone (without the backs of chairs, toys or other people’s faces ), looking straight into the camera, looking calm and neutral.
Furthermore, face retouching is not allowed (removing any scars, tattoos, even red-eye). If you wish to edit your photo and be sure it gets approved, you can use the Passport Photo Online photo tool. You can take the photo with your phone, upload it and the application will transform a picture into a professional photo for a Greek passport!
What to wear
You have to know the following while choosing clothes for your Greece passport photo:
- The entire face should be clear, from the jaw to the forehead and from one ear to the other so DON’T wear anything that may cover it (like headwear, hats, etc., unless they’re worn for religious reasons in which case you can keep it, but the face must be visible either way.
- Sunglasses and prescription glasses with colored lenses are prohibited.
- It is recommended to not wear prescription glasses when it is possible. However, if you do need to wear them, remember that there cannot be any reflection on the glasses and the glasses frame must not cover the eyes or other facial characteristics.
- The hair must never cover the eyes and the eyebrows or any part of the person's face.
Photo quality
Photographs should be printed in colour on high-quality paper with a print resolution of at least 600 dpi (especially when taken with a digital camera) with no creases or impurities on the final printout. The photos must be neutral in color and skin tones should appear natural..
The face must be evenly illuminated but it’s better not to use flash as it changes the natural colors of the skin and eyes. . Flash should only be used by a professional photographer - in home conditions you should use daylight.
Reflections or shadows on the face as well as red eyes must be avoided. The face must be sharply focused in all areas, rich in contrast and clarity.
Greece passport photo rules for babies and children
Nowadays, children, just like adults, need passports and the rules in this case are pretty much the same. However, while taking photos for your baby’s Greek passport, read the following tips:
- your baby should appear alone in the photo
- the eyes of your child should be open, so don’t take photos when your baby is asleep
- the background needs to be a white or light color, you can lay your baby on a white sheet, for example
- it’s recommended that you work with someone, so that one person takes the photo and a the other secures the baby if he is still small
- you can take as many photos as you want, so take multiple pictures of your baby to have a lot of photos to choose from later
How to take a Greece passport photo at home?
Instead of visiting professional photographers and wasting time finding one, you can just try to take your passport photo at home! It can be simple and enjoyable, especially if you use our passport photo tool which verifies its correctness, so that you don’t have to worry whether it’ll meet the requirements or not.
Greece passport photo mobile app
When you’ve read all the requirements and decided to try taking photos for your or your child’s passport yourself, this is the last chapter you should know! To make the process of applying for a passport easier, you should use the mobile version of the app which works like an editor, resizer and template at the same time! It also verifies your photo at the end so you can be certain that the picture meets the criteria.
If you need a Greek passport photo, this mobile editor is available on the Passport Photo Online site, or you can download the iPhone photo app from the AppStore or Android photo app from GooglePlay (depending whether you use an iOS or Android phone).
The passport photo resizer will resize your picture to fit in with official government requirements and even change the background if it is in the wrong color or includes shadows.
Passport photo cropping tool
The online photo tool crops the face as it is insisted on the official websites regarding passport dimensions. The application will automatically measure and adjust the photo to the right size that’s specified for the Greece passport.
Passport photo verification
The last thing that our application does is verify the final picture regarding correction, quality, and whether it contains all the important elements. The photo checker validates the sent photos and makes sure they have a 100% warranty of acceptance. You can have your template sent via email or post. It is your choice!
Do not hesitate, try the app or photo tool website and enjoy your perfectly made Greece passport photo in just a few seconds!
How to prepare yourself?
Distance from the camera
Take the photo from a distance of about 20 inches from your face. Ideally, the photo should be taken by another person.
Face in front of the camera
Place your face in front of the lens and keep a neutral expression on your face. Hold the camera at face height.
Even lighting
Just stand facing a light source such as an exposed window. Don't worry about the background.
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You can take your passport photo using any devices with camera, like your phone, digital cameras, DSLR or tablets. You cannot sumbit a selfie as your passport photo but you can technically take photo by yourself with a self-timer and upload to a photo tool app or webiste.
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